
How Our Therapy Works:

Our staff uses a variety of techniques to customize a routine that is best suitable to help your joints, muscles, heart and lungs work up to their potential. We work with individuals of all ages to remove barriers that reduce physical function. Physical therapy helps those with chronic diseases or other weakening conditions and can assist people recovering from multiple conditions. Some of these conditions include surgery, illness, neurological conditions such as stroke, injury, industrial or motor vehicle accidents, or age related conditions. Our practice of Physical Therapy revolves around drug free remedies.


What We Offer:

Alexander Yegorov and his staff are highly trained to handle any problems. We provide comprehensive physical therapy for all of orthopedic conditions, sports injuries, pre and postoperative rehabilitation, work or accident related injuries and some neurological conditions. The following list are some of the physical therapy services that we provide:

• Acupuncture Therapy

• Manual Therapy

• Massage Therapy

• Weight Loss Program

• Cold Laser

• Pressotherapy

• Vestibular Rehab

• Kinesio Taping


Techniques We Use:

Our office is fully equipped with many devices. We are constantly updating our products to keep up to date with new available treatments. Below is a list of some of the techniques that we use to rehabilitate your muscles:

• Hot pack/Cold pack


• Ultrasound


• Stretching and strengthening

• Muscle Energy technique

• Neural mobilization

• Taping


• Soft tissue and joint mobilization

• Postural re-education

• Neurological re-education

• Ergonomic training

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